In 2020, Girl Scout Troop 873 did a project to clean up Asbury Cemetery. The cemetery is located north of the intersection of Rt. 896 and Dupont Highway, on the southbound side of DuPont Highway (Rt. 13). As part of that project, the troop gathered the following historical information. A big thanks to Girl Scout Troop 873!

Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church in St. George’s Hundred, was located on the road that leads from Odessa to St. George’s, near Pearce’s Run. Thomas Smith and Lawrence McComer began to preach in the woods to large crowds in the summer of 1810. As outdoor preaching couldn’t happen year-round $800.00 was raised to build a church called Asbury. This structure was established in 1810 or early 1811. When St. George’s and Port Penn Societies were organized, the congregation of Asbury merged with these and the church building was abandoned.1 People of different races worshipped in the church which was once located here and were buried in this cemetery. 1 E. C. Hallman, “The Garden of Methodism” published on request of the Peninsula Annual Conference of The Methodist Church ca. 1946
For a list of documented graves please visit Find-A-Grave.